You can enter your employees’ wages and your projected sales to keep track of your spending and to optimize scheduling.
From the menu, click on ‘Cost & Sales’.
Click on each employee to enter their wage. You can choose between a ‘per hour’ and ‘per day’ wage.
Click on the ‘Projected Sales’ tab and enter the amount you expect to make in sales each day of the week. At the bottom, enter your target labour cost percentage.
Blend will then make calculations of your weekly labour costs and sales as well as your labor cost percentage.
To view them, click on ‘View Schedule’.
Select the 👤 icon in the top left corner to enter employee view.
You'll be able to see the labour cost of each individual shift and the total working hours for each employee that week.
Scroll all the way to the bottom to see the cost and sale totals for the week.
Watch a How To video on inputing costs and sales here:
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